MTW European Type Trapezium Mill

Input size:30-50mm

Capacity: 3-50t/h

LM Vertical Roller Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 13-70t/h

Raymond Mill

Input size:20-30mm

Capacity: 0.8-9.5t/h

Sand powder vertical mill

Input size:30-55mm

Capacity: 30-900t/h

LUM series superfine vertical roller grinding mill

Input size:10-20mm

Capacity: 5-18t/h

MW Micro Powder Mill

Input size:≤20mm

Capacity: 0.5-12t/h

LM Vertical Slag Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 7-100t/h

LM Vertical Coal Mill

Input size:≤50mm

Capacity: 5-100t/h

TGM Trapezium Mill

Input size:25-40mm

Capacity: 3-36t/h

MB5X Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill

Input size:25-55mm

Capacity: 4-100t/h

Straight-Through Centrifugal Mill

Input size:30-40mm

Capacity: 15-45t/h

Gastrodia elata crusher

  • The processing methods, phytochemistry and pharmacology of

    2023年10月5日  When evaluated the quality of Gastrodia elata Bl f glauca S Chow, it was found that the GAS content of Tribulus terrestris processed products better than ginger and 2019年8月25日  this machine can quick crushing big size material into small size, for better next step fine grinding, we also have grinder, mixer, dryer , granulator, siftechina Dry herb Gastrodia elata Crusher grinder grinding crushing 2024年1月30日  G elata is rich in nutrients and exhibits various pharmacological properties, such as neuroprotection, learning and memory improvement effects, cardioprotection, vaso Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, applications, and 2023年10月5日  Gastrodia elata (GE) is traditionally subjected to steaming, and steaming duration plays a crucially important role in determining GE quality This study examined the The processing methods, phytochemistry and pharmacology of

  • Gastrodia elata BI:A Comprehensive Review of Its Traditional Use

    2023年4月18日  Many compounds in Gastrodia elata BI have biological activities, such as sedation and hypnosis, anticonvulsion, improvement of learning and memory, protection of 2022年6月2日  Gastrodin (Gas) is known to exhibit neuroprotective effects in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) However, the detailed mechanism of action is still unclear In the present study, we Gastrodin From Gastrodia elata Enhances Cognitive Function and 2024年9月27日  The review of Gastrodia elata Bl from the perspective of food is one of the necessary steps to promote related development, by reviewing the literature on analytical A Review of Gastrodia Elata Bl : Extraction, Analysis and 2024年1月2日  Tianma is the dried tuber of Gastrodia elata Blume (G elata), which is frequently utilized in clinical practice as a traditional Chinese medicine Gastrodin (GAS) is the main Gastrodin: a comprehensive pharmacological review

  • 天麻 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    天麻(学名: Gastrodia elata ),又名赤箭、離母、煨天麻、鬼督郵 [2] 、神草、独摇芝、赤箭脂、定风草、合离草、独摇、自动草、水洋芋、明天麻等 [3] ,为兰科 天麻属植物,种加词elata 2019年7月2日  Gastrodia elata Blume (G elata) is a precious traditional Chinese herbal medicine which was initially recorded in Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic about two thousand years ago In the clinic, G elata is used widely for the treatment Gastrodia elata Blume Polysaccharides: A Review of 天麻,中药名。为兰科植物天麻Gastrodia elata Bl的干燥块茎。具有息风止痉,平抑肝阳,祛风通络的功效。主治肝风内动,惊痫抽搐,眩晕,头痛,肢体麻木,手足不遂,风湿痹痛等。2023年11月9日,天麻被列入“按照传统既是食品又是中药材的物质”。天麻(中药材)百度百科2024年5月8日  To isolate gastrodin (GAS), 4hydroxybenzyl alcohol (4HBA), and phenolic compounds from Chinese medicine Gastrodia elata Blume, and to explore the binding mode of fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4/aP2) that is The Molecular Mechanism of FABP4 Inhibition Effects

  • Gastrodin Derivatives from Gastrodia elata Natural Products and

    2019年11月16日  Abstract Nine new gastrodin derivatives, including seven phydroxybenzylmodified gastrodin ethers (1–7), 6′Oacetylgastrodin (8), and 4[αdglucopyranosyl(1 →6)βdglucopyranosyloxy]benzyl alcohol (9), together with seven known derivatives, were isolated from an aqueous extract of Gastrodia elata (“tian ma”) rhizomes Their structures were determined 2023年10月5日  Gastrodia elata Bl was first recorded in the Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica ( 神农本草经 ) (Anonymous, 2008) in the Han Dynasty and was one of the rare Chinese medicinal materialsThere are 13 species in China, and only the dried tuber of the orchid Gastrodia elata Bl was included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 edition) (Chinese The processing methods, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Gastrodia 2024年5月8日  The dry rhizome of Gastrodia elata was sliced and crushed, and 60 g of Gastrodia elata powder (3 portions) was taken 400 mL of 70% ethanol was added for ultrasonic extraction for 1 h After filtration, the filtrate was concentrated to 30 mL (3 portions) at 70°C and extracted with three kinds of macroporous resin columns (inner diameter: 25 cm, 70 g)The Molecular Mechanism of FABP4 Inhibition Wiley Online The Gastrodia elata genome provides insights into plant adaptation to heterotrophy Yuan Yuan1, Xiaohua Jin2, Juan Liu1, Xing Zhao3, Junhui Zhou1, Xin Wang1, Deyi Wang2, Changjiangsheng Lai1,The Gastrodia elata genome provides insights into plant Nature

  • The Molecular Mechanism of FABP4 Inhibition Effects of GAS and

    Abstract To isolate gastrodin (GAS), 4hydroxybenzyl alcohol (4HBA), and phenolic compounds from Chinese medicine Gastrodia elata Blume, and to explore the binding mode of fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4/aP2) that is closely related to macrophage inflammation, we study their antiinflammatory targets After the ultrasonic extraction of the main active components with 腐生草本。茎橙黄或蓝绿色,根状茎椭圆形。总状花序具30~50花,花橙黄或黄白色,近直立,花被筒顶端具5裂片;唇瓣长圆状卵形,边缘有不规则短流苏。天麻 Gastrodia elata——国家重点保护野生植物大数据平台2024年11月1日  Gastrodia elata BL (subtribe: Gastrodiinae Lindl; family: Orchidance) is a perennial herb with high medicinal value In China, a substantial number of wild and cultivated G elata germplasm resources have been preserved; however, many of them exhibit genetic mixing necessitating genetic differentiation for effective germplasm management In this study, we Genetic diversity and construction of a core collection in Chinese 2019年8月25日  this machine can quick crushing big size material into small size, for better next step fine grinding, we also have grinder, mixer, dryer , granulator, siftechina Dry herb Gastrodia elata Crusher grinder grinding crushing

  • Gastrodia elata Wikipedia

    Gastrodia elata is a saprophytic perennial herb in the family Orchidaceae It is found in Nepal, Bhutan, India, Japan, [3] Korea, Siberia, Taiwan, and China Description The orchid has an 8–12 centimeters long elliptical underground The dried tubers of Gastrodia elata Bl f glauca S Chow, which are growing within the protection scope of geographical indication products (GB/T 197762008), are also known as “Gastrodia elata originating from Zhaotong”, which in Chinese is “Zhaotong Tianma”, and recognized as the first Chinese national geographical indication product Exploration of the impact of different drying methods on the A study has reported that Gastrodia would have an effect on amyloid beta toxicity in the transgenic fruit fly with the beta amyloid gene on the visual cells Thus, G elata would be a very good neuroprotective agent for protecting against cell death and working against NmethylDaspartate toxicity in drug abuseGastrodia an overview ScienceDirect Topics2024年9月27日  天麻(学名:Gastrodia elata Bl)中药材名,俗名赤箭、绿天麻、乌天麻、黄天麻、松天麻,为兰科植物天麻的根茎。 天麻植株较高大,一般高115米;根状茎长椭圆形或倒圆锥形,根状茎块茎状,椭圆形,长812厘米。生于疏林下;林中空地、林缘灌丛边缘。天麻 搜狗百科

  • Effect of UltraHighPressure Treatment on Gastrodia elata Blume

    2024年11月5日  Gastrodiae Rhizoma (GE), the rhizome of the Orchidaceae plant Gastrodia elata Blume, is a traditional Chinese medicine with homologous medicinal and edible properties []It is primarily found in China, South Korea, Japan, and other countries []It has many biological functions, which enable its usage as the treatment of headaches, paralysis, rheumatism, and 2010年6月1日  The total acidity value of Gastrodia elata fermented by LAB on the malt and ricenuruk extract solution for 3 days was 223% and 233%, respectivelyQuality Properties and Preference of Fermented Gastrodia elata 2024年1月2日  Tianma is the dried tuber of Gastrodia elata Blume (G elata), which is frequently utilized in clinical practice as a traditional Chinese medicine Gastrodin (GAS) is the main active ingredient of Tianma, which has good pharmacological activity Therefore, for the first time, this review focused on the extraction, synthesis, pharmacological effects, and derivatives of GAS Gastrodin: a comprehensive pharmacological reviewWikimedia Commons alberga una galería multimedia sobre Gastrodia elata Wikispecies tiene un artículo sobre Gastrodia elata (en inglés) Imagen en OrchispeciesGastrodia elata Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

  • Rapid and accurate identification of Gastrodia elata Blume

    Gastrodia elata Blume (G elata Bl) is a medicinal and edible plant with multiple components and activities that have high value for applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries Many compounds in G elata Bl have biological activities such as sedativehypnotic, improvement of learning memory, protection of neurons, lowering of blood pressure, antiinflammatory activity, Gastrodia elata Blume is a wellknown traditional Chinese medicine that is mainly used to treat diseases related to the nervous system, such as stroke, epilepsy, and headache Gastrodin is the main bioactive component of Gastrodia elata Blume, and studies have shown that it has extensive pharmacological activity This narrative review aims to systematically review relevant studies Review on pharmacological effects of gastrodin2024年10月29日  Gastrodia elata rhizomes have been applied as traditional medicinal materials for thousands of years In China, G elata f elata (red flower and stem, Ge), G elata f viridis (green, Gv), and G elata f glauca (black, Gg) represent the primary cultivars in artificial cultivation Although the annual output of G elata amounts to 150,000 tons, only 20% is Gg PanChloroplast Genomes Reveal the AccessionSpecific Marker for2023年7月11日  To identify wild and cultivated Gastrodia elata quickly and accurately, this study is the first to apply threedimensional correlation spectroscopy (3DCOS) images combined with deep learning models to the identification of G elataThe spectral data used for model building do not require any preprocessing, and the spectral data are converted into threedimensional Building deep learning and traditional chemometric models based

  • Bee pollination in the shadows: The role of

    2024年7月15日  Societal Impact Statement The family Orchidaceae is renowned for its reliance on specialized pollinators and mycorrhizal symbioses This study examined how the nonphotosynthetic orchid Gastrodia elata thrives on the Plants 30100 cm, rarely to 200 cm tall Rhizomes usually ellipsoid, 812 cm, stout, 35(7) cm in diam, sometimes larger, fleshy, densely noded, with triangular or broadly ovate scales at nodesGastrodia elata Blume World Flora Online《中国植物志》全书80卷126册,5000多万字。记载了我国301科3408属31142种 植物的科学名称、形态特征、生态环境、地理分布、经济用途和物候期等。该书基于全国80余家科研教学单位的312位作者和164位绘图人员80年的工作积累、45年艰辛编撰才得以最终完成。2009年获得国家自然科学一等奖。Gastrodia elata Bl iPlant 植物智The Gastrodia elata genome provides insights into plant adaptation to heterotrophy Yuan Yuan 1, Xiaohua Jin 2, Juan Liu 1, Xing Zhao 3, Junhui Zhou 1, Xin Wang 1, Deyi Wang 2, Changjiangsheng Lai 1,The Gastrodia elata genome provides insights into plant

  • FTMIR combined with 3DCOSResNet model for rapid

    2023年4月24日  Wild Gastrodia elata resources are in short supply and the market is dominated by cultivated Gastrodia elata resources and the medicinal value of both is very differentGastrodia elata f alba SChow in Acta Bot Yunnan 5: 366 (1983) Gastrodia elata f flavida SChow in Acta Bot Yunnan 5: 366 (1983) Gastrodia elata f glauca SChow in Acta Bot Yunnan 5: 365 (1983) Gastrodia elata var gracilis Pamp in Nuovo Giorn Bot Ital, ns, 22: 271 (1915) Gastrodia elata var obovata Yue JZhang in Acta Bot BorealGastrodia elata Blume Plants of the World Online Kew Science2023年6月25日  1 Introduction Gastrodia elata Blume (GE) (Orchidaceae) has been used to promote health and treat various neurological disorders such as convulsions, migraines, dizziness, seizures, paralysis, and mood disorders for thousands of years in East Asia (Lin et al, 2018)Modern medical research has found that GE has a variety of healthful activities, Insights into the nutritional properties and molecular basis of Abstract Gastrodia elata Blume (G elata) is a valuable Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with a wide range of clinical applicationsG elata polysaccharides, as one of the main active ingredients of G elata, have interesting extraction, purification, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, derivatization, and pharmacological activity aspects, yet a review of G elata Gastrodia elata Blume Polysaccharides: A Review of Their

  • Gastrodia elata Blume 天麻 (Tianma, Gastrodia Tuber)

    2015年1月1日  Wang et al (2012) Two new phenolic glycosides from the rhizome of Gastrodia elata J Asian Nat Prod Res 14(5):457–462 Article CAS Google Scholar Zhao et al (2013) Medicinal and diet plant: Gastrodia elata Blume J Gui zhou Normal Univ(NatSci) 4:9–12 (in Chinese) CAS Google Scholar2023年10月17日  Gastrodia elata Blume (Tianma in Chinese), a mycoheterotrophic orchid, is widely distributed in China Tubers derived from this orchid are traditionally used as both medicinal and edible materials(PDF) Global metabolic profile and multiple日本では北海道、本州、四国、九州に分布し、山地の樹林下、湿原に自生する。アジアでは中国と韓国、台湾に分布する。 木材腐朽菌であるナラタケと共生する(複数種の総称。 本州の11ヶ所で採取したオニノヤガラ塊茎から分離した11菌株のうち、8株が Armillaria gallica、2株が A nabsnona、1株が A オニノヤガラ Wikipedia评估人: 李锦聪 日期: 摘要:天麻(gastrodia elata)根提取物(inci名称:gastrodia elata root extract ),被广泛应用于化妆品等个人护理品,在化妆品中使用目的为皮肤保护剂。该原料已收录于《已使用化妆品原料目录(2021年版)》序号为06641,不属于《化妆品安全技术规范(2015年版)》中的禁用物质 化妆品原料天麻(GASTRODIA ELATA)根提取物 的安全评估

  • Building deep learning and traditional chemometric models based

    Gastrodia elata is a genus of plants in the orchid family Gastrodia, whose earliest use in Chinese history was recorded a thousand years using a DFY500 highspeed crusher (Wenling Linda Machinery Co, Ltd), filtered through a 100 mesh stainless steel sieve tray, and then2024年6月18日  Fermenting Chinese medicinal herbs could enhance their bioactivities We hypothesized probioticfermented gastrodia elata Blume (GE) with better potential to alleviate insomnia than that of Sleep promoting and omics exploration on probiotics fermented Gastrodia 2021年11月15日  The most frequent missense mutations in familial Parkinson’s disease (PD) occur in the highly conserved LRRK2/PARK8 gene with G2019S mutation We previously established a fly model of PD carrying the LRRK2G2019S mutation that exhibited the parkinsonismlike phenotypes An herbal medicine, Gastrodia elata Blume (GE), has been Glial Nrf2 signaling mediates the neuroprotection exerted by Gastrodia 2016年7月6日  Ethnopharmacological relevance: Gastrodia elata Blume (Orchidaceae) is commonly called Tian ma in Chinese and mainly distributed in the mountainous areas of eastern Asia, such as China, Korea, Japan and India It is an extensively used traditional Chinese herbal medicine in the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine, to treat headache, migraine, The rhizome of Gastrodia elata Blume An ethnopharmacological review

  • Geographic traceability of Gastrodia elata Blum based on

    Gastrodia elata Blume (G elata Bl), also known as “Tianma”, is a plant in the Orchidaceae familyG elata Bl has a long history of medicinal use and is one of the most important traditional Chinese herbs Gastrodin is the main active ingredient of G elata Bl, which has significant neuroprotective effects, and can treat or ameliorate epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, neuropathic 2023年12月6日  Gastrodieae include five genera mainly distributed in tropical region with few species extending into Japan and eastern Siberia (Chase et al 2015; Pridgeon et al 2005)There are about four genera in China (Chen et al 2009; Zhou et al 2021)Nervilieae include three to four genera distributed in western Europe, the Old World Tropics and subtropics of Africa, Plants of Gastrodieae, Nervilieae, and Thaieae SpringerLink

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