Active silicon powder recovered from blast furnace chimney
Research articleRecycling of Ti and Si from Tibearing blast furnace
2024年6月1日 DWSSW was used as a silicon thermal reducing agent to reduce TBFS in an electromagnetic induction furnace to simultaneously recover Si in DWSSW and Ti in TBFS in the form of a Si–Ti alloy2022年7月20日 Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) and diamond wire saw silicon powder (DWSSP) waste are solid wastes that have been investigated by researchers In this paper, Recovery of Tibearing blast furnace slag and diamond wire saw 2022年5月1日 Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) and diamond wire saw silicon powder (DWSSP) waste are solid wastes that have been investigated by researchers In this paper, Recovery of Tibearing blast furnace slag and diamond wire saw 2023年7月26日 Silicon slag (SS) and Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) are largescale waste slags produced in the metallurgical industry that contain rich Si and Ti resources In this paper, A Novel Method for Preparing Si–Ti Alloy by CoReduction of
Recovery of Tibearing blast furnace slag and diamond wire saw
2022年7月1日 Recycling of Ti and Si from Tibearing blast furnace slag and diamond wire saw silicon waste by flux alloying technique Spent V2O5WO3/TiO2 catalyst (SVWTC) is 2021年9月25日 In this study, we propose a novel approach to preparing Si/TiSi 2 composites as anode materials for lithiumion batteries by coupling photovoltaic (PV) silicon waste (simulated Constructing cyclestable Si/TiSi2 composites as anode materials 2017年5月30日 Blast furnace slag (BFS), a calciumrich industrial byproduct, has been utilized since 2005 as a mineral carbonation feedstock for CO2 sequestration, producing calcium Effects of Experimental Parameters on the Extraction of Silica and 2024年10月1日 Silicon slag (SS) and Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) are largescale waste slags produced in the metallurgical industry that contain rich Si and Ti resources In this paper, Synergetic recovery of Ti and Fe from Tibearing blast furnace slag
Simultaneous recycling of Si and Ti from diamond wire saw silicon
The industrial wastes diamond wire saw silicon powder (DWSSP) and Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) are important Si and Ti secondary resources, respectively During the industrial 2022年9月20日 A sustainable method for Ti, Al, and Mg recovery from titaniumbearing blast furnace slag (TBBFS) coupled with CO2 sequestration by leaching residue is proposed The results show that the original mineral phase of the TBBFS could be destroyed by ammonium sulfate roasting, in which the valuable metals were converted to sulfates Subsequently, Ti, Al, A Sustainable Method for Ti, Al and Mg Recovery from Springer2019年10月4日 The reduction of minor impurities (eg, Ferrite, Magnesium, Lead, Chromium) from Zinc richEAFD with active carbon addition was investigated at temperature between 9001300 °CThe pyrometallurgical recovery of zinc from electric The blast furnace (BF) is the most energyconsuming and important reactor in ironmaking industries at present (ie, conventional BFs) and in the near term (ie, novel BFs) [1]In the BF process, iron ore and coke are loaded alternately at the furnace top, and hot blast is introduced into the lower part of the furnace along the circumference through the tuyeres, generating the How blast rate variation affects dynamic infurnace behaviours
Recycling of Ti and Si from Tibearing blast furnace slag and
2024年6月1日 Diamond wire saw silicon waste (DWSSW) and Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) are solid wastes of solar grade silicon ingot slicing and vanadiumtitanium magnetite smelting, respectively The main components of DWSSW are silicon ( Zhang and Ciftja, 2008 ), and small amounts of SiO 2 , metal impurities ( Lu et al, 2018 ), and organic solvents ( The oxygen blast furnace process flow chart is shown in Fig 19 (Zhang, HJ et al, 2015) The current problem of oxygen blast furnace is the uneven distribution of recycled gas, which affects the utilization of recycled gas This is caused by the collision on between the recovered gas injected into the blast furnace and the gas from the furnaceBlast Furnace Process an overview ScienceDirect Topics2024年9月27日 Furthermore, the onepart geopolymer was prepared by mixing activated powder (granite powder and burnt coal cinder), blast furnace slag and water The optimal compressive strength of the onepart geopolymer was 3860 MPa at 28 days with 35 % activated powder compared to the control sample with the same percentage of nonactivated powder which Preparation of geopolymers from alkaline thermally activated 2023年6月4日 It is now agreed that climate change, is being caused by excess accumulation of GHG emissions in the earth’s atmosphere—majorly as CO2 from use of fossil fuels for meeting humanity’s needs over the last two centuries Steel production, a vital industry, needs transition to lower its carbon footprint Globally, almost 90% of CO2 emissions of ‘primary steelmaking’ The Blast Furnace: A Vital Tool in Climate Neutral OreBased
Review in application of blast furnace dust in wastewater
2024年3月4日 Blast furnace dust (BFD) is the solid powder and particulate matter produced by dust removal process in ironmaking industry The element composition of BFD is complex, and a direct return to sintering will lead to heavy metal enrichment and blast furnace lining corrosion In recent years, the application of BFD in wastewater treatment has attracted widespread LAST furnace is a kind of metallurgical reactor used for smelting to produce molten iron, often called hot metal or pig iron It looks like a tall chimney structure, as can be seen in Fig 1, that A schematic diagram of a typical blast furnace ironmaking process2021年6月3日 A large amount of dust is formed as one of the primary byproducts during the blast furnace ironmaking process Besides iron and carbon, it contains a variety of valuable metals such as zinc, lead, and indium widely applied in many industry fields However, it is difficult to recycle and reutilize blast furnace dust (BFD) due to complex composition, fine particle size, A Review on Recycling and Reutilization of Blast Furnace Dust as 2022年4月1日 Consequently, the silicon lost in diamond wire saw silicon powder waste during silicon wafer production must be recovered for silicon production Depending on the current yield of silicon and A new sustainable concept for silicon recovery from diamond wire
Blast Furnace Ironmaking SpringerLink
2023年10月6日 The smelting process of blast furnace is carried out in the shaft furnace of a closed countercurrent reactor and heat exchanger The complex physical changes and chemical reactions are completed in the process of the countercurrent movement of the charge and gas in which the raw materials containing iron oxide (sinter, pellets, etc), coke, slag flux (limestone) 2022年8月15日 In this study, nanocatalysts for biodiesel production were prepared via wet impregnation of blast furnace dust (BFD) in Na 2 CO 3 (NaBFD) and CaCO 3 (CaBFD) suspension solutions and calcination at 500 and 600 °C, respectively Biodiesel yields of 1000 wt% (NaBFD 500) and 983 wt% (CaBFD 600) were achieved at 65 °CSynthesized catalysts Efficient production of biodiesel at low temperature using highly 2021年11月1日 Request PDF A novel approach for the simultaneous recycling of Tibearing blast furnace slag, diamond wire saw Si powder, and Al alloy scrap for preparing TiSi2 and AlSi alloys Large amounts A novel approach for the simultaneous recycling of Tibearing blast 2022年7月25日 An energyefficient route was adopted to treat titaniumbearing blast furnace slag (TBBFS) in this study Titanium, aluminum, and magnesium were simultaneously extracted and silicon was separated Recovery of titanium, aluminum, magnesium and separating silicon
A Novel Method for Preparing Si–Ti Alloy by CoReduction of Silicon
2023年7月26日 Silicon slag (SS) and Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) are largescale waste slags produced in the metallurgical industry that contain rich Si and Ti resources In this paper, an innovative process is proposed to produce Si–Ti alloy by the coreduction of SS and TBFS to achieve simultaneous treatment of both waste slags Si in SS was used as reducing agent to 2024年6月1日 Two industrial solid wastes, Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) and diamond wire saw silicon waste (DWSSW), contain large amounts of Ti and Si, and their accumulation wastes resources and intensifies environmental pollutionIn the present study, DWSSW was used as the silicon source to reduce titanium oxide in TBFS by electromagnetic induction smelting, Recycling of Ti and Si from Tibearing blast furnace slag and lower part of the blast furnace The behaviour of silicon depends on several factors, like carbon contents and temperatures in different zones, reactions with FeO, gas pressures in the system, etc Because of this it has been seen as important to study several different factors in the lower part of the blast furnaceReactions in the Lower Part of the Blast Furnace with Focus on SiliconFormer AHM blast furnace in Port of Sagunt, Valencia, Spain A blast furnace is a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting to produce industrial metals, generally pig iron, but also others such as lead or copper Blast refers to the combustion air being supplied above atmospheric pressure [1]In a blast furnace, fuel (), ores, and flux are continuously supplied Blast furnace Wikipedia
Transition of Blast Furnace Slag from SilicatesBased to Aluminates
2016年5月6日 The effect of Al2O3 and the Al2O3/SiO2(A/S) ratio on the viscosity of the CaOSiO2Al2O3MgOTiO2 slag system was studied in the present work At a fixed CaO/SiO2(C/S) ratio of 120, 9 mass pct MgO, and 1 mass pct TiO2, the viscosity increases with an increase in Al2O3 content at a range of 16 to 24 mass pct due to the polymerization of the aluminosilicate Silicon powder WSi is obtained by thoroughly ball milling silicon wafers and filtering them with deionized water using a ball mill WpSi@C/CNTs and PpSi@C/CNTs materials made from recycled and pure silicon have been tested by particle size analysis( Table S1 ), which can indicate that the particles are in the micrometer range, and the reproducibility is less than 3 % Manufacturing lithiumion anodes from silicon recovered from 1997年6月17日 Blast furnace flue dust is a mixture of oxides expelled from the top of the blast furnace, whose major components are iron oxides They also contain zinc, silicon, magnesium and other minor Zinc recovery from blast furnace flue dust2022年7月1日 Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Recovery of Tibearing blast furnace slag and diamond wire saw silicon powder waste by alloying and electromagnetic separation technique (SVWTC) is considered hazardous waste and a valuable resource of Ti, W, and V Herein, Ti, W, and V were recovered from waste via silicothermic reduction to Recovery of Tibearing blast furnace slag and diamond wire saw silicon
A green approach for simultaneously preparing Ti5Si3 and Ti5Si4
2021年10月1日 Simultaneous recycling of Si and Ti from diamond wire saw silicon powder and Tibearing blast furnace slag via reduction smelting: An investigation of the effects of refractories on recycling was modified by gC3N4 to produce the recovered TiO2 (RTiO2)/gC3N4 photocatalyst to protect valuable Ti Expand 12 1 Excerpt 1997年11月1日 Blast furnace flue dusts are a mixture of oxides expelled from the top of the blast furnace, whose major components are iron oxides They also contain zinc, silicon, magnesium and other minor Zinc recovery from blast furnace flue dust ResearchGateMore than 100 million tons of red mud were produced annually in the world over the short time range from 2011 to 2018 Red mud represents one of the metallurgical byproducts more difficult to dispose of due to the high alkalinity (pH 10–13) and storage techniques issues Up to now, economically viable commercial processes for the recovery and the reuse of these waste were Iron Recovery from Bauxite Tailings Red Mud by Thermal 2019年7月19日 Iron oxides are reduced in the blast furnace (Fig 41), and the resulting material is meltedBlast furnaces capacity is 100–5000 m 3 covering the 70% of the global steel production Iron ores, sinter or pellets, coke, and lime are introduced into the blast furnace from the top; the hot compressed air is fluxed from tuyeres at the lower section of the furnaceBlast Furnace: Most Efficient Technologies for Greenhouse
Simultaneous recycling of Si and Ti from diamond wire saw silicon
DOI: 101016/jwasman202212008 Corpus ID: ; Simultaneous recycling of Si and Ti from diamond wire saw silicon powder and Tibearing blast furnace slag via reduction smelting: An investigation of the effects of refractories on recycling2020年1月21日 In recent years, the treatments of blast furnace dust such as returning to blast furnace sintering, using as flocculants and cement raw materials and adsorbents, recycling carbon and iron as well as recovering rare and highvalued metals were studied [8, 13, 14]Many process technologies have been more mature in enterprise application; however, the rare precious Extraction of Rare and HighValued Metals from Blast Furnace Dust2020年7月1日 Both diamond wire saw silicon kerf (DWSSK) and Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBBFS) are largely accumulated industrial wastes and important resources of Si and TiAn approach for simultaneous treatments of diamond wire saw silicon 2017年5月19日 In this paper, high value added NaA zeolite material was prepared from blast furnace (BF) slag by hydrothermal method and its adsorption behavior on the removal of ammonium ion was investigatedNaA zeolite derived from blast furnace slag: Its
Prediction of Hot Metal Silicon Content in Blast
2015年7月28日 In the blast furnace ironmaking process, the prediction of the silicon content in hot metal is one of the most important but difficult This paper proposes a novel combined algorithm based on Resources, Conservation and Recycling 40 (2003) 71–80 Recovery of silica gel from blast furnace slag Maurizia Seggiani∗ , Sandra Vitolo Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Chimica Industriale e Scienza dei Materiali, Università di Recovery of silica gel from blast furnace slag2013年1月7日 Request PDF Recovery of Titanium from Blast Furnace Slag Titanium is one of the most valuable elements found in blast furnace slag, with a concentration of approximate 27% Because of the low Recovery of Titanium from Blast Furnace Slag Request PDFThe amount of dust produced from the blast furnace is very large, and this paper proposed a new method for comprehensive utilization of blast furnace dust Firstly, cold bonded agglomerates directly put into the iron groove were made by blast furnace dust The cold bonded agglomerates were reduced and melted by the energy of molten iron, and the valuable elements such as Fe Recovery of Iron and Zinc from Blast Furnace Dust Using Iron
Reactions in the Lower Part of the Blast Furnace with Focus on Silicon
lower part of the blast furnace The behaviour of silicon depends on several factors, like carbon contents and temperatures in different zones, reactions with FeO, gas pressures in the system, etc Because of this it has been seen as important to study several different factors in the lower part of the blast furnace2022年2月15日 Zhang et al (2020b) recovered silicon from DSSW using a twostep sintering (TSS) and acid leaching process (Fig 13) the results indicated that the introduced TSS process not only increased product density and reduced particle size, but also decomposed the SiO 2 layer of silicon powder and promoted densification, the yield of silicon achieved 9603% as the Review of resource and recycling of silicon powder from 2022年1月14日 The blast furnace smelting process for vanadium titaniamagnetite is shown in Fig 1The low concentration of TiO 2 with about 15 wt% in the primary mineral can be enriched into titaniabearing slag with more than 20 wt% TiO x, 29,30 as shown by the composition range in Table I; other oxides including CaO, MgO, SiO 2, and Al 2 O 3 are presented in the slag as Titanium Extraction from TitaniaBearing Blast Furnace Slag: A 2022年7月20日 Tibearing blast furnace slag (TBFS) and diamond wire saw silicon powder (DWSSP) waste are solid wastes that have been investigated by researchers In this paper, the possibility of metal thermal reduction of TBFS is determined by calculating the component activities using the molecular interaction volume model (MIVM)Recovery of Tibearing blast furnace slag and diamond wire saw silicon
Reactions in the Lower Part of the Blast Furnace with Focus on Silicon
lower part of the blast furnace The behaviour of silicon depends on several factors, like carbon contents and temperatures in different zones, reactions with FeO, gas pressures in the system, etc Because of this it has been seen as important to study several different factors in the lower part of the blast furnace