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Will calcium oxide in steel slag particles cause expansion Will calcium oxide in steel slag particles cause expansion Will calcium oxide in steel slag particles cause expansion
Calculation of fCaO Hydration Ratio in Steel Slag Based on
2023年7月6日 Free calcium oxide (fCaO) in steel slag (SS) is considered to be the main reason for the volume expansion of steel slag, which has severely limited its application in cement or concrete In this work, SS–cement pastes were prepared and hydrated under three different Applying basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag as aggregate in asphalt mixture is continuously investigated due to the increasing shortage of natural aggregate in recent years However, the negativeContent of free calcium oxide in steel slag with 2017年10月1日 The content of fCaO and fMgO in the reducing slag was the main factor that caused its volume expansion [17, 18,26] In view of this, the content of fCaO and fMgO can The soundness of steel slag with different free CaO and MgO 2010年12月15日 In contrast to blast furnace slag, which is volumetrically stable and straightforward in its construction uses, steel slag from basic oxygen furnace (BOF) and Use of steel slag as a granular material: Volume expansion
Thermodynamics and Kinetics on Hot State Modification of BOF
2023年3月17日 The application of BOF slag in the field of building materials is limited by its volume expansion during natural aging, which is mainly attributed to the hydration reaction of 2018年8月17日 Steel slag used as binding materials often shows volumetric instability because of the existence of fCaO (free calcium oxide) According to the composition analysis of steel Expansibility of cement paste with tricomponent fCaO in steel 2019年12月10日 In this paper, we aim to comprehend the expansion mechanism of steel slag mixed with soft marine clay and determine the maximum steel slag addition needed to achieve Expansion characteristic of steel slag mixed with soft clay2021年4月28日 In many developing countries, the output of steel slag is huge and the comprehensive utilization rate is low, hence the development of a novel application method for A Review on the Effect from Steel Slag on the Growth of
A Review on the Carbonation of Steel Slag: Properties, Mechanism,
2024年4月28日 This will not only reduce the expansive risk of steel slag to improve the utilization of steel slag further but also capture and store CO 2 due to the mineralization process to Basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) slag, a product of hot metal element (eg, Si, Mn, Fe, P) oxidation and flux (eg lime, dolomite) dissolution, plays a critical role in the production of high Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Slag: Formation, Reaction, and Energy 2024年5月28日 The physicochemical properties of steel slag were investigated using SEM and IR, and it was found that free calcium oxide and free magnesium oxide in steel slag produce calcium hydroxide when in contact with water, Study on Expansion Rate of Steel Slag Cement 2023年7月6日 Free calcium oxide (fCaO) in steel slag (SS) is considered to be the main reason for the volume expansion of steel slag, which has severely limited its application in cement or concreteCalculation of fCaO Hydration Ratio in Steel Slag Based on
Utilization possibilities of steel slag as backfill material in coastal
2023年3月15日 The aim of this study is to investigate the utilization possibilities of steel slags, basic oxygen furnace (BOF) and electric arc furnace (EAF) slags, as backfill material in coastal structures2021年5月10日 Researches show that SS and Portland cement clinker have similar chemical compositions contained CaO, SiO 2, Fe 2 O 3, Al 2 O 3 and MgO [5], [6]The common mineral compositions of SS are merwinite, olivine, dicalcium silicate (C 2 S), tricalcium silicate (C 3 S), dicalcium ferrite (C 2 F), tetra calcium aluminoferrite (C 4 AF), CaOFeOMnOMgO solid Preparation and properties of carbonated steel slag used in 2021年6月8日 Steel slag is a byproduct discharged from the steelmaking process, which is characterized by abundant free calcium/magnesium oxide, low cementitious properties, and high contents of heavy metalsUse of steel slag as sustainable construction materials: A review of Free calcium oxide (fCaO) in steel slag (SS) is considered to be the main reason for the volume expansion of steel slag, which has severely limited its application in cement or concrete In this work, SS–cement pastes were prepared and hydrated under three different conditions It Calculation of fCaO Hydration Ratio in Steel Slag Based on
(PDF) Minimization of the calcium oxide content in the steel slag
2011年1月1日 PDF The steel slag is mainly a basic slag that contains a great proportion of CaOfree and MgOfree Through hydration in solid state, it becomes Find, read and cite all the research you need 2021年9月24日 During steel production, the impurities in the hot metal react with the fluxes forming the steel slag Chemical constituents of this steel slag (SS) are relevant to iron/steelmaking or blended cement manufacture Harmful impurities present in it, however, limit its recycling to these applications Japan, Europe, and the US consume a significant amount of BOF Steel Slag: Critical Assessment and Integrated Approach for Basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) slag, a product of hot metal element (eg, Si, Mn, Fe, P) oxidation and flux (eg lime, dolomite) dissolution, plays a critical role in the production of highquality crude steel, although its behavior inside the BOS vessel (formation and reaction with metal droplets and gas) is still not clear and its recycling has always been challengingBasic Oxygen Steelmaking Slag: Formation, Reaction, and Energy 2010年12月15日 Steel slag aggregates can be utilized as unbound materials for road bases or as fine/coarse aggregates in asphalt/cement paving concrete However, the availability of free lime (fCaO) in the Use of steel slag as a granular material: Volume expansion prediction
Comparison study on hot state modification of converter slag by
2024年2月5日 The valueadded utilization of converter steel slag is crucial, with China’s annual production having reached 100 million tons The utilization of converter slag in the construction materials sector is limited as it undergoes volume expansion during the aging process, mainly caused by the hydration reaction of free calcium oxide present in the slag The influence of 2023年3月17日 The application of BOF slag in the field of building materials is limited by its volume expansion during natural aging, which is mainly attributed to the hydration reaction of free calcium oxide in slag In this study, the influence of SiO2 addition and atmosphere on the mineral modification of typical industrial converter slag, as well as, the dissolution kinetics of SiO2 in Thermodynamics and Kinetics on Hot State Modification of BOF Slag 2024年2月2日 Steel slag is a byproduct of the steelmaking process, accounting for about 10%−16% of crude steel production The accumulation and storage of steel slag can cause serious damage to the environment [1], [2] Based on its superior physicochemical and mechanical characteristics, steel slag can replace natural aggregates in asphalt mixturesQuantitative characterization and evaluation of key 2017年12月8日 where D CO2 (m 2 /s) is the diffusivity of CO 2 species which is a function of temperature 17, δ is the film thickness (m), and k CO2 is the mass transfer coefficient (m/s) According to our CO2 Mineralization and Utilization using Steel Slag for
Evaluation of Potential Factors Affecting Steel Slag Carbonation
2023年8月29日 Steel slag is a solid waste product generated during the carbonation stage of steelmaking It has high levels of heavy metals and substantial amounts of free calcium and magnesium oxide, making it unsuitable for use as a cement material Furthermore, the disposal of steel slag in landfills requires many resources and can seriously contaminate the surrounding 2016年8月31日 Current total productions of steel slag in India, The iron oxide is a round 05% in BF slag, or in the places where expansion does n ot cause a seri ous problemSteel Slag Utilization — Overview in Indian Perspectivesteel slag to inhibit the volume expansion of steel slag, and the mineral composition and free calcium oxide content of steel slag were analysed by XRD The findings indicated that the mixed solution of 3% silica powder and 02 mol/L sodium citrate had the best inhibition effect on the expansion of steel slag, and theVolumetric stability control of steel slag and its mechanism research2009年11月1日 A steelmaking slag (basic oxygen furnace) obtained from the Kardemir Steelworks was modified to be used as a clinker additive in the cement industryConcrete Produced by Steel‐Making Slag (Basic Oxygen Furnace
Expansion Level of Steel Slag Aggregate Effects on Both Material
2019年3月15日 The influence of steel slag expansion level on the early stage performance of hot mix asphalt (HMA) is evaluated Initially, samples of LinzDonawitz type steel slag with different levels of 2010年10月1日 The tension stresses of steel slag particles, 064–128MPa, are used to quantitatively evaluate the stability of steel slag and related to the tensile stress of cement mortar matrixDetermination of the expansion force of coarse steel slag 2024年3月28日 To promote the resource utilization of steel slag and improve the production process of steel slag in steelmaking plants, this research studied the characteristics of three different processed steel slags from four steelmaking Research on the Properties of Steel Slag with Different 2010年12月15日 Steel slag is a byproduct discharged from the steelmaking process, which is characterized by abundant free calcium/magnesium oxide, low cementitious properties, and high contents of heavy metals The disposal of steel slag at landfills not only wastes valuable resources but also causes serious pollutions to the environmentUse of steel slag as a granular material: Volume expansion
Coupling Mineralization and Product Characteristics of
2023年6月10日 Crude steel production in China exceeds 1 billion tons per year, and steel slag production accounts for 10%–15% of the crude steel mass Although slag presents certain hydration activity, it is still difficult to be used as 2019年12月10日 Countries with large steel manufacturing industries encounter financial and environmental issues regarding the abundant amount of steel slag generated every year [1], [2], [3]For instance, Japan annually produces over forty million tons of steel slag, and ∼1% was still sent away to a disposal facility [4]The costeffective utilization of steel slag may not only Expansion characteristic of steel slag mixed with soft clayBasic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag is the main coproduct in the steelmaking process, its recycling within the iron and steel enterprises is crucial for the industry to ensure greater sustainabilityContent of free calcium oxide in steel slag with different particle 2014年6月2日 Mass of calcium carbonate (g) produced per mass of steel converter slag (g) as a function of the molar ratio of the lixiviant (NH 4 Cl) and reactive calcium oxide in slag, for experiments 21 − 26(PDF) Reduced Limestone Consumption in Steel ResearchGate
(PDF) Accelerated carbonation of steel slag: A review of methods
2023年12月21日 This review paper begins by introducing the classification and physicochemical properties of steel slag; it then describes the typical approaches of steel slag carbonation, including direct 2015年7月1日 Steel furnace slag (SFS) is a waste byproduct of steel production, with a worldwide SFS production of 150–230 million tons in 2012 [1]Modern SFS is produced in either a basic oxygen furnace (BOF), where iron is converted to steel, or an electric arc furnace (EAF), where steel is produced by melting scrap steel [2]BOF slag is also known as LinzDonawitz Steel furnace slag aggregate expansion and hardened concrete properties2023年8月25日 Steel slag particles can potentially be used as aggregates in concrete production However, the volume stability of steel slag is poor, and the direct use of untreated steel slag aggregate (SSA (PDF) Application of Steel Slag as an Aggregate in ResearchGatewas found that free calcium oxide and free magnesium oxide in steel slag produce calcium hydroxide when in contact with water, leading to volume expansion Thus, the expansion rate of steel slag Study on Expansion Rate of Steel Slag CementStabilized
Steel Slag—A Strong and Sustainable Substitute for Conventional
2020年5月12日 From their experimental results it was evident that the crushing strength of the HPC containing steel slag and crystallized steel slag aggregates were 18–34% and 11–21% greater than of the HPC containing limestone aggregate 31–35% and 11–18% increase in modulus of rupture was reported for the HPC containing steel slag and crystallized steel slag 2021年1月1日 Studies have shown that carbonation can effectively solve these problems The oxides of calcium, magnesium, iron, and aluminum in steel slag provide the alkalinity required for the carbonation reaction, the carbonate minerals formed after the carbonation reaction are thermodynamically stable [25, 26]Liu et al [27] found that carbonated steel slag can enhance Carbon sequestration of steel slag and carbonation for activating the quantification method for compounds causing slag expansion is proposed by solidstate NMR This method is applied to the quantification of ettringite in slowcooled blast furnace slag and free magnesium oxide in steel making slag 1Introduction Blast furnace slag and steel making slag are byproducts proQuantitative Analysis of Compounds Causing Slag Expansion 2021年6月14日 Hightemperature molten steel slag is a large amount of industrial solid waste containing available heat energy and resources This paper introduces an efficient and comprehensive utilization process of hightemperature molten steel slag The waste heat energy in the hightemperature molten steel slag can be fully recovered through the threestage heat ThreeStage Method Energy–Mass Coupling HighEfficiency Utilization
(PDF) Iron and Steel Slags ResearchGate
2017年3月5日 With the increasing demand for metalliferous and mineral raw materials and the consequent depletion of the global natural resource base, the possible utilization of secondary raw material sources 2018年8月1日 Because of its chemical composition, including calcium oxide (CaO), Fe, iron oxide (FeO), silicon dioxide (SiO 2), magnesium oxide (MgO), and manganese oxide (MnO), steel slag can be reused as a raw material in steel plants (including the sinter and converter); (Topkaya et al, 2004, Diao et al, 2016, Sarfo et al, 2017a, Sarfo et al, 2017b)Steel slag in China: Treatment, recycling, and management2016年5月16日 Reduce, reuse, and recycle are important techniques for waste management These become significant for improving environmental and economic condition of industries Integrated steel industries are generating huge amounts of steel slag as waste through the blast furnace and Linz–Donawitz (LD) process Presently, these wastes are disposed by dumping in Sustainable Approaches for LD Slag Waste Management in Steel In recent years, steel slag is mainly used as a building material However, with the slow hydration of some substances in the steel slag, hydration expansion will occur, which will crack the pavement, walls, and other buildings that use the steel slag as a building material, increasing the hidden danger of the use of the steel slagTechnology of free calcium oxide (fCaO) digestion in steel slag
Environmental benefit assessment of steel slag utilization and
2022年2月1日 Steel slag (SS), accounting for about 15–20% of the total steel amount, has been produced in huge quantities worldwide (Han et al, 2015; Shi, 2004)Initially, SS was treated as a waste material and disposed of as landfill, which not only took up land resources but also severely impacted the natural environment and human health due to the highly alkaline leachates 2020年11月2日 In aluminumkilled steel covered with MgOsaturated slag (as is common in secondary metallurgy), alumina inclusions pick up magnesium, with simultaneous reduction of Al 2 O 3 from the inclusions These reactions transform the inclusions from alumina to spinel (solid solution based on MgOAl 2 O 3) and eventually to MgO[] The source of magnesium is Calcium Transfer to Oxide Inclusions in AlKilled Steel Without Calcium